Change Log Report

Total number of changed sets: 1

Changes between 2009-01-05 and 2009-02-05

Total commits: 7
Total number of files changed: 8

Timestamp Author Details
2009-01-31 15:57:02 leberre /maven/tags/2_0_5/org.sat4j.helper/src/test/java/org/sat4j/helper/ v 302
/maven/tags/2_0_5/org.sat4j.pb/src/main/java/org/sat4j/pb/constraints/pb/ v 302
/maven/tags/2_0_5/org.sat4j.pb/src/main/java/org/sat4j/pb/constraints/pb/ v 302

dded missing copyright headers (still spotted by Michael).
2009-01-31 14:30:54 leberre /maven/tags/2_0_5/build.xml v 301

Fixed typo in build file spotted by Michael Tautschnig.
2009-01-29 20:21:44 leberre /maven/tags/2_0_5/org.sat4j.helper/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF v 295

Fixing bug
2009-01-09 08:43:35 leberre /maven/tags/2_0_5/build.xml v 261
/maven/tags/2_0_5/org.sat4j.helper/pom.xml v 261

Fixed pom for helper package and updated build file descriptions.
2009-01-08 18:04:29 leberre /maven/tags/2_0_5/org.sat4j.sat/src/main/java/org/sat4j/ v 258

Updated message.
2009-01-08 18:02:55 leberre /maven/tags/2_0_5/org.sat4j.sat/src/main/java/org/sat4j/ v 257

Added a new option to find models with at least a given number of falsified literals.
2008-12-24 14:45:26 leberre /maven/tags/2_0_5/org.sat4j.helper/src/main/java/org/sat4j/helper/ v 256

Added new helper methods.