The following document contains the results of Checkstyle .
Files | Infos | Warnings | Errors |
27 | 0 | 0 | 678 |
Rules | Violations | Severity |
JavadocPackage | 4 | Error |
NewlineAtEndOfFile | 0 | Error |
Translation | 0 | Error |
FileLength | 0 | Error |
61 | Error |
32 | Error |
JavadocMethod | 132 | Error |
JavadocType | 21 | Error |
JavadocVariable | 60 | Error |
JavadocStyle | 0 | Error |
ConstantName | 3 | Error |
LocalFinalVariableName | 0 | Error |
LocalVariableName | 0 | Error |
MemberName | 0 | Error |
MethodName | 0 | Error |
PackageName | 0 | Error |
ParameterName | 0 | Error |
StaticVariableName | 0 | Error |
TypeName | 0 | Error |
AvoidStarImport | 0 | Error |
IllegalImport | 0 | Error |
RedundantImport | 0 | Error |
UnusedImports | 1 | Error |
LineLength | 48 | Error |
MethodLength | 0 | Error |
ParameterNumber | 0 | Error |
EmptyForIteratorPad | 0 | Error |
MethodParamPad | 0 | Error |
NoWhitespaceAfter | 0 | Error |
NoWhitespaceBefore | 3 | Error |
OperatorWrap | 0 | Error |
ParenPad | 0 | Error |
TypecastParenPad | 0 | Error |
WhitespaceAfter | 3 | Error |
WhitespaceAround | 3 | Error |
ModifierOrder | 0 | Error |
RedundantModifier | 1 | Error |
AvoidNestedBlocks | 0 | Error |
EmptyBlock | 0 | Error |
LeftCurly | 0 | Error |
NeedBraces | 30 | Error |
RightCurly | 1 | Error |
AvoidInlineConditionals | 1 | Error |
DoubleCheckedLocking | 0 | Error |
EmptyStatement | 0 | Error |
EqualsHashCode | 0 | Error |
HiddenField | 10 | Error |
IllegalInstantiation | 0 | Error |
InnerAssignment | 0 | Error |
MagicNumber | 1 | Error |
MissingSwitchDefault | 0 | Error |
RedundantThrows | 2 | Error |
SimplifyBooleanExpression | 0 | Error |
SimplifyBooleanReturn | 0 | Error |
DesignForExtension | 84 | Error |
FinalClass | 4 | Error |
HideUtilityClassConstructor | 0 | Error |
InterfaceIsType | 0 | Error |
VisibilityModifier | 1 | Error |
ArrayTypeStyle | 0 | Error |
FinalParameters | 172 | Error |
TodoComment | 0 | Error |
UpperEll | 0 | Error |
Violation | Message | Line |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 2 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 18 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 27 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 29 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 30 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 32 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 34 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 35 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 36 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 36 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 37 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 38 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 39 | |
Method 'configureSolver' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 39 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 40 | |
Parameter args should be final. | 40 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 41 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 42 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 43 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 44 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 46 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 47 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 48 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 48 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 49 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 50 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 51 | |
Method 'createReader' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 51 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 52 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 52 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 53 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 54 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 55 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 56 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 57 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 58 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 59 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 60 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 61 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 62 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 63 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 64 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 65 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 67 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 67 | |
Parameter args should be final. | 67 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 68 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 69 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 70 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 71 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 72 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 73 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 74 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 75 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 76 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 77 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 78 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 80 | |
Method 'displayLicense' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 80 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 81 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 82 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 83 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 83 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 84 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 86 | |
Method 'usage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 86 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 87 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 88 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 88 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 89 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 91 | |
Method 'getInstanceName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 91 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 92 | |
Parameter args should be final. | 92 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 93 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 94 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 95 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 2 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 25 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 27 | |
Redundant 'public' modifier. | 27 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 2 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 24 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 26 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 28 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 30 | |
Parameter value should be final. | 30 | |
'value' hides a field. | 30 | |
Method 'domain' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 35 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 35 | |
Method 'translate' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 39 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 39 | |
Parameter key should be final. | 39 | |
Method 'toClause' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 43 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 43 | |
Parameter solver should be final. | 43 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 49 | |
Method 'toString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 52 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 2 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 23 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 25 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 27 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 29 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 30 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 31 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 2 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 27 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 29 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 31 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 31 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 34 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 37 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 2 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 25 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 27 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 29 | |
Parameter values should be final. | 29 | |
'values' hides a field. | 29 | |
Method 'get' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 34 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 34 | |
Parameter i should be final. | 34 | |
Method 'size' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 38 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 38 | |
Method 'iterator' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 42 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 42 | |
'if' construct must use '{}'s. | 51 | |
Method 'pos' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 58 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 58 | |
Parameter value should be final. | 58 | |
'for' construct must use '{}'s. | 59 | |
'if' construct must use '{}'s. | 60 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 2 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 24 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 28 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 35 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 45 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 2 | |
Unused import - org.mozilla.javascript.ContextFactory. | 29 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 41 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 46 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 48 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 50 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 52 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 54 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 76 | |
Method 'setExpression' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 79 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 79 | |
Parameter expr should be final. | 79 | |
'expr' hides a field. | 79 | |
Method 'addVariable' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 83 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 83 | |
Parameter name should be final. | 83 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 87 | |
Parameter values should be final. | 87 | |
Method 'toClause' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 96 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 96 | |
Parameter solver should be final. | 96 | |
Parameter vscope should be final. | 96 | |
Parameter vars should be final. | 96 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 113 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 113 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 115 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 117 | |
Parameter tuple should be final. | 117 | |
Parameter n should be final. | 117 | |
Parameter theScope should be final. | 117 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 118 | |
Parameter vars should be final. | 118 | |
Parameter solver should be final. | 118 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Missing file. | 0 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 2 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 25 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 27 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 29 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 31 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 33 | |
Parameter begin should be final. | 33 | |
'begin' hides a field. | 33 | |
Parameter end should be final. | 33 | |
'end' hides a field. | 33 | |
Method 'get' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 39 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 39 | |
Parameter i should be final. | 39 | |
Method 'size' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 44 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 44 | |
Method 'iterator' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 48 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 48 | |
'if' construct must use '{}'s. | 57 | |
Method 'pos' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 64 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 64 | |
Parameter value should be final. | 64 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 2 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 27 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 32 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 34 | |
Parameter v should be final. | 34 | |
Method 'get' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 38 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 38 | |
Parameter i should be final. | 38 | |
Method 'size' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 45 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 45 | |
Method 'iterator' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 49 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 49 | |
'if' construct must use '{}'s. | 58 | |
Method 'pos' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 65 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 65 | |
Parameter theValue should be final. | 65 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Line has trailing spaces. | 35 | |
Class SolverFactory should be declared as final. | 38 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 41 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 46 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 50 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 57 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 65 | |
Expected @param tag for '<L>'. | 80 | |
Parameter dsf should be final. | 81 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 82 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 83 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 91 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 95 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 101 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 113 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 119 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 127 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 2 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 26 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 28 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 30 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 32 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 34 | |
Parameter idvar should be final. | 34 | |
Parameter domain should be final. | 34 | |
'domain' hides a field. | 34 | |
Parameter lastvarnumber should be final. | 34 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 42 | |
Method 'domain' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 45 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 45 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 51 | |
Method 'translate' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 54 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 54 | |
Parameter key should be final. | 54 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 60 | |
Method 'toClause' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 63 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 63 | |
Parameter solver should be final. | 63 | |
'for' construct must use '{}'s. | 65 | |
Method 'findValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 71 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 71 | |
Parameter model should be final. | 71 | |
'if' construct must use '{}'s. | 74 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 82 | |
Method 'toString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 85 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 2 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 31 | |
Method 'toClause' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 33 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 33 | |
Parameter solver should be final. | 33 | |
Parameter scope should be final. | 33 | |
Parameter vars should be final. | 33 | |
',' is not followed by whitespace. | 37 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 45 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 2 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 26 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 28 | |
Parameter arity should be final. | 28 | |
Parameter nbtuples should be final. | 28 | |
Method 'chooseEncoding' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 32 | |
Parameter scope should be final. | 33 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Missing file. | 0 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 2 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 27 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 29 | |
Parameter arity should be final. | 29 | |
Parameter nbtuples should be final. | 29 | |
Method 'chooseEncoding' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 33 | |
Parameter scope should be final. | 34 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 2 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 29 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 31 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 33 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 35 | |
Parameter arity should be final. | 35 | |
'arity' hides a field. | 35 | |
Parameter nbtuples should be final. | 35 | |
Method 'addTuple' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 40 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 40 | |
Parameter index should be final. | 40 | |
Parameter tuple should be final. | 40 | |
Method 'toClause' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 44 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 44 | |
Parameter solver should be final. | 44 | |
Parameter scope should be final. | 44 | |
Parameter vars should be final. | 44 | |
Method 'arity' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 56 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 56 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 2 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 25 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 27 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 30 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 32 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 2 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 32 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 34 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 36 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 38 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 40 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 42 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 44 | |
Parameter arity should be final. | 44 | |
'arity' hides a field. | 44 | |
Parameter nbtuples should be final. | 44 | |
Method 'addTuple' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 49 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 49 | |
Parameter index should be final. | 49 | |
Parameter tuple should be final. | 49 | |
Method 'arity' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 53 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 53 | |
Method 'toClause' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 57 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 57 | |
Parameter solver should be final. | 57 | |
Parameter scope should be final. | 57 | |
Parameter vars should be final. | 57 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 70 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 72 | |
Parameter tuple should be final. | 72 | |
Parameter n should be final. | 72 | |
Parameter scope should be final. | 72 | |
Parameter solver should be final. | 72 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 94 | |
Parameter tuple should be final. | 94 | |
'if' construct must use '{}'s. | 110 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 2 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 26 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 28 | |
Parameter arity should be final. | 28 | |
Parameter nbtuples should be final. | 28 | |
Method 'chooseEncoding' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 32 | |
Parameter scope should be final. | 33 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 2 | |
Class BinarySupportEncoding should be declared as final. | 34 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 34 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 36 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 36 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 38 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 38 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 40 | |
Name 'instance' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'. | 40 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 42 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 46 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 50 | |
Parameter solver should be final. | 50 | |
Parameter scope should be final. | 50 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 57 | |
Parameter solver should be final. | 57 | |
Parameter scope should be final. | 57 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 62 | |
Parameter solver should be final. | 62 | |
Parameter scope should be final. | 62 | |
Parameter tuple should be final. | 63 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 66 | |
Parameter solver should be final. | 66 | |
Parameter scope should be final. | 66 | |
Parameter tuple should be final. | 67 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 76 | |
Parameter head should be final. | 76 | |
Parameter v should be final. | 76 | |
Parameter value should be final. | 76 | |
Parameter supports should be final. | 77 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 86 | |
Parameter v should be final. | 86 | |
Parameter supports should be final. | 86 | |
Parameter solver should be final. | 87 | |
';' is preceded with whitespace. | 89 | |
'for' construct must use '{}'s. | 95 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 95 | |
';' is preceded with whitespace. | 95 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Missing file. | 0 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 2 | |
Class DirectEncoding should be declared as final. | 32 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 32 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 34 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 36 | |
Name 'instance' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'. | 36 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 38 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 42 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 46 | |
Parameter solver should be final. | 46 | |
Parameter scope should be final. | 46 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 49 | |
Parameter solver should be final. | 49 | |
Parameter scope should be final. | 49 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 52 | |
Parameter solver should be final. | 52 | |
Parameter scope should be final. | 52 | |
Parameter tuple should be final. | 53 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 64 | |
Parameter solver should be final. | 64 | |
Parameter scope should be final. | 64 | |
Parameter tuple should be final. | 65 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 2 | |
Class GeneralizedSupportEncoding should be declared as final. | 36 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 36 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 38 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 38 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 40 | |
Name 'instance' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'. | 40 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 42 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 46 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 50 | |
Parameter solver should be final. | 50 | |
Parameter scope should be final. | 50 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 56 | |
Parameter solver should be final. | 56 | |
Parameter scope should be final. | 56 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 62 | |
Parameter solver should be final. | 62 | |
Parameter scope should be final. | 62 | |
Parameter tuple should be final. | 63 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 67 | |
Parameter solver should be final. | 67 | |
Parameter scope should be final. | 67 | |
Parameter tuple should be final. | 68 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 84 | |
Parameter n should be final. | 84 | |
Parameter scope should be final. | 84 | |
Parameter acc should be final. | 84 | |
Parameter theSupports should be final. | 85 | |
'for' construct must use '{}'s. | 89 | |
'if' construct must use '{}'s. | 90 | |
'else' construct must use '{}'s. | 94 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 95 | |
';' is preceded with whitespace. | 95 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 2 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 24 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 26 | |
Parameter solver should be final. | 26 | |
Method 'manageAllowedTuples' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 30 | |
Parameter relnum should be final. | 31 | |
Parameter arity should be final. | 31 | |
Parameter nbtuples should be final. | 31 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 2 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 34 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 39 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 41 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 43 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 45 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 47 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 49 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 51 | |
Parameter solver should be final. | 51 | |
'solver' hides a field. | 51 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 57 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 64 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 71 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 78 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 85 | |
Method 'parseInstance' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 86 | |
Parameter filename should be final. | 87 | |
Redundant throws: 'FileNotFoundException' is subclass of 'IOException'. | 88 | |
'}' should be alone on a line. | 121 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 126 | |
Method 'decode' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 133 | |
Parameter model should be final. | 135 | |
Method 'decode' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 139 | |
Parameter model should be final. | 140 | |
Parameter out should be final. | 140 | |
Method 'parseInstance' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 144 | |
Parameter in should be final. | 145 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Missing file. | 0 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 51 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 55 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 57 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 59 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 61 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 65 | |
Variable 'relations' must be private and have accessor methods. | 65 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 67 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 71 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 73 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 75 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 77 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 79 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 81 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 81 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 83 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 83 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 85 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 85 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 87 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 87 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 89 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 91 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 93 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 95 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 97 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 99 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 101 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 103 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 105 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 107 | |
Parameter solver should be final. | 107 | |
'solver' hides a field. | 107 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 109 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 110 | |
',' is not followed by whitespace. | 110 | |
',' is not followed by whitespace. | 111 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 121 | |
Parameter in should be final. | 121 | |
Method 'decode' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 133 | |
Parameter model should be final. | 134 | |
Parameter out should be final. | 134 | |
Method 'decode' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 142 | |
Parameter model should be final. | 143 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 153 | |
Parameter in should be final. | 153 | |
Avoid inline conditionals. | 197 | |
Method 'manageAllowedTuples' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 231 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 231 | |
Parameter relnum should be final. | 231 | |
Parameter arity should be final. | 231 | |
Parameter nbtuples should be final. | 231 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 242 | |
Parameter input should be final. | 242 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 247 | |
Parameter input should be final. | 247 | |
Parameter size should be final. | 247 | |
'for' construct must use '{}'s. | 249 | |
Method 'beginInstance' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 254 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 254 | |
Parameter arg0 should be final. | 254 | |
Method 'beginDomainsSection' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 258 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 258 | |
Parameter nbdomain should be final. | 258 | |
Method 'beginDomain' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 262 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 262 | |
Parameter id should be final. | 262 | |
Parameter size should be final. | 262 | |
Method 'addDomainValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 270 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 270 | |
Parameter arg0 should be final. | 270 | |
'for' construct must use '{}'s. | 275 | |
Method 'addDomainValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 282 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 282 | |
Parameter begin should be final. | 282 | |
Parameter end should be final. | 282 | |
'if' construct must use '{}'s. | 283 | |
'for' construct must use '{}'s. | 289 | |
Method 'endDomain' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 294 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 294 | |
'if' construct must use '{}'s. | 296 | |
'else' construct must use '{}'s. | 299 | |
Method 'endDomainsSection' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 303 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 303 | |
Method 'beginVariablesSection' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 307 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 307 | |
Parameter expectedNumberOfVariables should be final. | 307 | |
Method 'addVariable' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 313 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 313 | |
Parameter idvar should be final. | 313 | |
Parameter iddomain should be final. | 313 | |
'if' construct must use '{}'s. | 317 | |
Method 'endVariablesSection' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 323 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 323 | |
'if' construct must use '{}'s. | 324 | |
'else' construct must use '{}'s. | 326 | |
Method 'beginRelationsSection' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 339 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 339 | |
Parameter nbrel should be final. | 339 | |
Method 'beginRelation' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 345 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 345 | |
Parameter name should be final. | 345 | |
Parameter arity should be final. | 345 | |
Parameter nbTuples should be final. | 345 | |
Parameter isSupport should be final. | 346 | |
'if' construct must use '{}'s. | 348 | |
Method 'addRelationTuple' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 359 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 359 | |
Parameter tuple should be final. | 359 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 363 | |
Method 'endRelationsSection' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 366 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 366 | |
'if' construct must use '{}'s. | 367 | |
'else' construct must use '{}'s. | 370 | |
Method 'beginPredicatesSection' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 374 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 374 | |
Parameter arg0 should be final. | 374 | |
Method 'beginPredicate' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 378 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 378 | |
Parameter name should be final. | 378 | |
'if' construct must use '{}'s. | 381 | |
Method 'addFormalParameter' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 385 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 385 | |
Parameter name should be final. | 385 | |
Parameter type should be final. | 385 | |
Method 'predicateExpression' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 390 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 390 | |
Parameter expr should be final. | 390 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 394 | |
Method 'endPredicatesSection' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 398 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 398 | |
'if' construct must use '{}'s. | 399 | |
'else' construct must use '{}'s. | 402 | |
Method 'beginConstraintsSection' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 406 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 406 | |
Parameter arg0 should be final. | 406 | |
Method 'beginConstraint' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 412 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 412 | |
Parameter name should be final. | 412 | |
Parameter arity should be final. | 412 | |
'if' construct must use '{}'s. | 417 | |
'100' is a magic number. | 419 | |
Method 'constraintReference' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 422 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 422 | |
Parameter ref should be final. | 422 | |
'==' is not followed by whitespace. | 429 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 430 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 430 | |
'+' is not preceded with whitespace. | 430 | |
'+' is not followed by whitespace. | 430 | |
Method 'addVariableToConstraint' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 434 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 434 | |
Parameter arg0 should be final. | 434 | |
Method 'addEffectiveParameter' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 438 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 438 | |
Parameter arg0 should be final. | 438 | |
Method 'addEffectiveParameter' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 442 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 442 | |
Parameter arg0 should be final. | 442 | |
Method 'beginParameterList' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 446 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 446 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 452 | |
Parameter arg0 should be final. | 452 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 457 | |
Parameter arg0 should be final. | 457 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 462 | |
Method 'addConstantParameter' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 467 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 467 | |
Parameter arg0 should be final. | 467 | |
Parameter arg1 should be final. | 467 | |
Method 'constraintExpression' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 472 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 472 | |
Parameter arg0 should be final. | 472 | |
Method 'endConstraint' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 477 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 477 | |
Method 'endConstraintsSection' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 485 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 485 | |
'if' construct must use '{}'s. | 486 | |
'else' construct must use '{}'s. | 488 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 492 | |
Method 'getProblem' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 496 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 496 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 2 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 24 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 26 | |
Parameter solver should be final. | 26 | |
Method 'manageAllowedTuples' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 30 | |
Parameter relnum should be final. | 31 | |
Parameter arity should be final. | 31 | |
Parameter nbtuples should be final. | 31 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 2 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 34 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 36 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 38 | |
Parameter solver should be final. | 38 | |
Method 'decode' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 42 | |
Parameter model should be final. | 43 | |
Method 'decode' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 47 | |
Parameter model should be final. | 48 | |
Parameter out should be final. | 48 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 54 | |
Method 'parseInstance' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 57 | |
Parameter filename should be final. | 58 | |
Redundant throws: 'FileNotFoundException' is subclass of 'IOException'. | 59 | |
Method 'parseInstance' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 71 | |
Parameter in should be final. | 72 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 79 | |
Method 'setVerbosity' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 82 | |
Parameter b should be final. | 83 |