
Tools to be used on top of an ISolver.


Class Summary
DimacsArrayReader Very simple Dimacs array reader.
DimacsArrayToDimacsConverter Converts Dimacs problems in array format (without the terminating 0) to Dimacs Strings.
DimacsOutputSolver Solver used to display in a writer the CNF instance in Dimacs format.
ExtendedDimacsArrayReader Reader for the Extended Dimacs format proposed by Fahiem Bacchus and Toby Walsh in array representation (without the terminating 0).
ExtendedDimacsArrayToDimacsConverter Converter from the Extended Dimacs format proposed by Fahiem Bacchus and Toby Walsh in array representation (without the terminating 0) to the Dimacs format.
GateTranslator Utility class to easily feed a SAT solver using logical gates.
Minimal4CardinalityModel Computes models with a minimal number (with respect to cardinality) of negative literals.
Minimal4InclusionModel Computes models with a minimal subset (with respect to set inclusion) of negative literals.
ModelIterator That class allows to iterate through all the models (implicants) of a formula.
RemiUtils Class dedicated to Remi Coletta utility methods :-)
SingleSolutionDetector This solver decorator allows to detect whether or not the set of constraints available in the solver has only one solution or not.
SolutionCounter Another solver decorator that counts the number of solutions.
SolverDecorator The aim of that class is to allow adding dynamic responsabilities to SAT solvers using the Decorator design pattern.

Package Description

Tools to be used on top of an ISolver.

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