Interface Summary | |
AssertingClauseGenerator | An assertingClauseGenerator is responsible for the creation of an asserting clause during conflict analysis. |
Constr | Basic constraint abstraction used in Solver. |
DataStructureFactory<L extends ILits> | The aim of the factory is to provide a concrete implementation of clauses, cardinality constraints and pseudo boolean consraints. |
ILits | That interface manages the solver's internal vocabulary. |
ILits2 | Specific vocabulary taking special care of binary clauses. |
ILits23 | Specific vocabulary taking special care of binary and ternary clauses. |
IMarkableLits | Vocabulary in which literals can be marked. |
IOrder<L extends ILits> | Interface for the variable ordering heuristics. |
IPhaseSelectionStrategy | The responsibility of that class is to choose the phase (positive or negative) of the variable that was selected by the IOrder. |
Learner | Provide the learning service. |
LearningStrategy<L extends ILits,D extends DataStructureFactory<L>> | Implementation of the strategy design pattern for allowing various learning schemes. |
Propagatable | This interface is to be implemented by the classes wanted to be notified of the falsification of a literal. |
RestartStrategy | Abstraction allowing to choose various restarts strategies. |
SearchListener | Interface to the solver main steps. |
Undoable | Interface providing the undoable service. |
UnitPropagationListener | Interface providing the unit propagation capability. |
VarActivityListener | Interface providing the capability to increase the activity of a given variable. |
Class Summary | |
Counter | |
DotSearchListener | Class allowing to express the search as a tree in the dot language. |
Heap | Heap implementation used to maintain the variables order in some heuristics. |
IntQueue | Implementation of a queue. |
Lbool | That enumeration defines the possible truth value for a variable: satisfied, falsified or unknown/undefined. |
Pair | Utility class to be used to return the two results of a conflict analysis. |
SearchParams | Some parameters used during the search. |
Solver<L extends ILits,D extends DataStructureFactory<L>> | The backbone of the library providing the modular implementation of a MiniSAT (Chaff) like solver. |
SolverStats | Contains some statistics regarding the search. |
TextOutputListener | Debugging Search Listener allowing to follow the search in a textual way. |
Implementation of the MiniSAT solver skeleton. This is the place to go for looking more deeply into a SAT solver. All of the abstractions needed to customize a solver are defined here.