Packages that use IConstr | |
org.sat4j.minisat.constraints.card | Implementations of cardinality contraints. |
org.sat4j.minisat.constraints.cnf | Implementations of clausal contraints. |
org.sat4j.minisat.core | Implementation of the MiniSAT solver skeleton. |
org.sat4j.minisat.uip | Various ways to compute an asserting clause (containing one Unique Implication Point). |
org.sat4j.opt | Built-in optimization framework. |
org.sat4j.specs | Those classes are intented for users dealing with SAT solvers as blackboxes. |
org.sat4j.tools | Tools to be used on top of an ISolver. |
org.sat4j.tools.xplain |
Uses of IConstr in org.sat4j.minisat.constraints.card |
Classes in org.sat4j.minisat.constraints.card that implement IConstr | |
class |
class |
class |
Uses of IConstr in org.sat4j.minisat.constraints.cnf |
Classes in org.sat4j.minisat.constraints.cnf that implement IConstr | |
class |
Data structure for binary clause. |
class |
class |
Lazy data structure for clause using the Head Tail data structure from SATO, The original scheme is improved by avoiding moving pointers to literals but moving the literals themselves. |
class |
class |
class |
class |
Counter Based clauses that can be mixed with WLCLauses |
class |
class |
class |
class |
class |
class |
Lazy data structure for clause using Watched Literals. |
Uses of IConstr in org.sat4j.minisat.core |
Subinterfaces of IConstr in org.sat4j.minisat.core | |
interface |
Basic constraint abstraction used in Solver. |
Methods in org.sat4j.minisat.core that return IConstr | |
IConstr |
Solver.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals,
int degree)
IConstr |
Solver.addAtMost(IVecInt literals,
int degree)
IConstr |
Solver.addBlockingClause(IVecInt literals)
IConstr |
Solver.addClause(IVecInt literals)
protected IConstr |
Solver.addConstr(Constr constr)
IConstr |
Solver.getIthConstr(int i)
returns the ith constraint in the solver. |
Methods in org.sat4j.minisat.core with parameters of type IConstr | |
boolean |
AssertingClauseGenerator.clauseNonAssertive(IConstr reason)
method indicating if an asserting clause has been built. note that this method is called right after a resolution step is finished. |
void |
DotSearchListener.conflictFound(IConstr confl)
void |
TextOutputListener.conflictFound(IConstr confl)
void |
DotSearchListener.learn(IConstr clause)
void |
TextOutputListener.learn(IConstr clause)
void |
DotSearchListener.propagating(int p,
IConstr reason)
void |
TextOutputListener.propagating(int p,
IConstr reason)
boolean |
Solver.removeConstr(IConstr co)
boolean |
Solver.removeSubsumedConstr(IConstr co)
Uses of IConstr in org.sat4j.minisat.uip |
Methods in org.sat4j.minisat.uip with parameters of type IConstr | |
boolean |
DecisionUIP.clauseNonAssertive(IConstr reason)
boolean |
FirstUIP.clauseNonAssertive(IConstr reason)
Uses of IConstr in org.sat4j.opt |
Methods in org.sat4j.opt that return IConstr | |
IConstr |
MaxSatDecorator.addClause(IVecInt literals)
Uses of IConstr in org.sat4j.specs |
Methods in org.sat4j.specs that return IConstr | |
IConstr |
ISolver.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals,
int degree)
Create a cardinality constraint of the type "at least n of those literals must be satisfied" |
IConstr |
ISolver.addAtMost(IVecInt literals,
int degree)
Create a cardinality constraint of the type "at most n of those literals must be satisfied" |
IConstr |
ISolver.addBlockingClause(IVecInt literals)
Add a clause in order to prevent an assignment to occur. |
IConstr |
ISolver.addClause(IVecInt literals)
Create a clause from a set of literals The literals are represented by non null integers such that opposite literals a represented by opposite values. |
Methods in org.sat4j.specs with parameters of type IConstr | |
void |
SearchListener.conflictFound(IConstr confl)
a conflict has been found. |
void |
SearchListener.learn(IConstr c)
learning a new clause |
void |
SearchListener.propagating(int p,
IConstr reason)
Unit propagation |
boolean |
ISolver.removeConstr(IConstr c)
Remove a constraint returned by one of the add method from the solver. |
boolean |
ISolver.removeSubsumedConstr(IConstr c)
Remove a constraint returned by one of the add method from the solver that is subsumed by a constraint already in the solver or to be added to the solver. |
Uses of IConstr in org.sat4j.tools |
Methods in org.sat4j.tools that return IConstr | |
IConstr |
SolverDecorator.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals,
int degree)
IConstr |
DimacsStringSolver.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals,
int degree)
IConstr |
DimacsOutputSolver.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals,
int degree)
IConstr |
SolverDecorator.addAtMost(IVecInt literals,
int degree)
IConstr |
DimacsStringSolver.addAtMost(IVecInt literals,
int degree)
IConstr |
DimacsOutputSolver.addAtMost(IVecInt literals,
int degree)
IConstr |
SolverDecorator.addBlockingClause(IVecInt literals)
IConstr |
DimacsStringSolver.addBlockingClause(IVecInt literals)
IConstr |
DimacsOutputSolver.addBlockingClause(IVecInt literals)
IConstr |
SolverDecorator.addClause(IVecInt literals)
IConstr |
DimacsStringSolver.addClause(IVecInt literals)
IConstr |
DimacsOutputSolver.addClause(IVecInt literals)
IConstr[] |
GateTranslator.and(int y,
int x1,
int x2)
Translate y <=> x1 /\ x2 |
IConstr[] |
GateTranslator.and(int y,
IVecInt literals)
Translate y <=> x1 /\ x2 /\ ... /\ xn into clauses. |
IConstr |
GateTranslator.gateFalse(int y)
translate y <=> FALSE into a clause. |
IConstr |
GateTranslator.gateTrue(int y)
translate y <=> TRUE into a clause. |
IConstr[] |
GateTranslator.iff(int y,
IVecInt literals)
translate y <=> (x1 <=> x2 <=> ... <=> xn) into clauses. |
IConstr[] |
GateTranslator.ite(int y,
int x1,
int x2,
int x3)
translate y <=> if x1 then x2 else x3 into clauses. |
IConstr[] |
GateTranslator.not(int y,
int x)
Translate y <=> not x into clauses. |
IConstr[] |
GateTranslator.or(int y,
IVecInt literals)
translate y <=> x1 \/ x2 \/ ... \/ xn into clauses. |
IConstr[] |
GateTranslator.xor(int y,
IVecInt literals)
translate y <=> x1 xor x2 xor ... xor xn into clauses. |
Methods in org.sat4j.tools with parameters of type IConstr | |
void |
ConstrGroup.add(IConstr constr)
boolean |
SolverDecorator.removeConstr(IConstr c)
boolean |
DimacsStringSolver.removeConstr(IConstr c)
boolean |
DimacsOutputSolver.removeConstr(IConstr c)
boolean |
SolverDecorator.removeSubsumedConstr(IConstr c)
boolean |
DimacsStringSolver.removeSubsumedConstr(IConstr c)
boolean |
DimacsOutputSolver.removeSubsumedConstr(IConstr c)
Uses of IConstr in org.sat4j.tools.xplain |
Fields in org.sat4j.tools.xplain declared as IConstr | |
IConstr |
Fields in org.sat4j.tools.xplain with type parameters of type IConstr | |
protected java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer,IConstr> |
Methods in org.sat4j.tools.xplain that return IConstr | |
IConstr |
Xplain.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals,
int degree)
IConstr |
Xplain.addAtMost(IVecInt literals,
int degree)
IConstr |
Xplain.addClause(IVecInt literals)
Methods in org.sat4j.tools.xplain that return types with arguments of type IConstr | |
java.util.Collection<IConstr> |
java.util.Collection<IConstr> |
Method parameters in org.sat4j.tools.xplain with type arguments of type IConstr | |
IVecInt |
ReplayXplainStrategy.explain(ISolver solver,
java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer,IConstr> constrs,
IVecInt assumps)
IVecInt |
QuickXplainStrategy.explain(ISolver solver,
java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer,IConstr> constrs,
IVecInt assumps)
IVecInt |
XplainStrategy.explain(ISolver solver,
java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer,IConstr> constrs,
IVecInt assumps)
Constructors in org.sat4j.tools.xplain with parameters of type IConstr | |
Pair(java.lang.Integer key,
IConstr constr)