Packages that use IVec | |
org.sat4j.core | Implementation of the data structures available in org.sat4j.specs. |
org.sat4j.minisat.constraints | Implementations of various constraints for MiniSAT. |
org.sat4j.minisat.constraints.cnf | Implementations of clausal contraints. |
org.sat4j.minisat.core | Implementation of the MiniSAT solver skeleton. |
org.sat4j.specs | Those classes are intented for users dealing with SAT solvers as blackboxes. |
org.sat4j.tools | Tools to be used on top of an ISolver. |
Uses of IVec in org.sat4j.core |
Classes in org.sat4j.core that implement IVec | |
class |
Utility class to allow Read Only access to an IVec |
class |
Simple but efficient vector implementation, based on the vector implementation available in MiniSAT. |
Methods in org.sat4j.core that return IVec | |
IVec<T> |
ReadOnlyVec.push(java.lang.Object elem)
IVec<T> |
Vec.push(T elem)
Methods in org.sat4j.core with parameters of type IVec | |
void |
ReadOnlyVec.copyTo(IVec<T> copy)
void |
Vec.copyTo(IVec<T> copy)
Ces operations devraient se faire en temps constant. |
void |
ReadOnlyVec.moveTo(IVec<T> dest)
void |
Vec.moveTo(IVec<T> dest)
Constructors in org.sat4j.core with parameters of type IVec | |
ReadOnlyVec(IVec<T> vec)
Uses of IVec in org.sat4j.minisat.constraints |
Methods in org.sat4j.minisat.constraints that return IVec | |
IVec<Propagatable> |
ClausalDataStructureCB.getWatchesFor(int p)
IVec<Propagatable> |
AbstractDataStructureFactory.getWatchesFor(int p)
Uses of IVec in org.sat4j.minisat.constraints.cnf |
Fields in org.sat4j.minisat.constraints.cnf declared as IVec | |
protected IVec<Propagatable>[] |
Methods in org.sat4j.minisat.constraints.cnf that return IVec | |
IVec<Undoable> |
Lits.undos(int lit)
IVec<Propagatable> |
Lits.watches(int lit)
Uses of IVec in org.sat4j.minisat.core |
Methods in org.sat4j.minisat.core that return IVec | |
IVec<Propagatable> |
DataStructureFactory.getWatchesFor(int p)
IVec<Undoable> |
ILits.undos(int lit)
IVec<Propagatable> |
ILits.watches(int lit)
Methods in org.sat4j.minisat.core with parameters of type IVec | |
void |
Solver.addAllClauses(IVec<IVecInt> clauses)
Uses of IVec in org.sat4j.specs |
Methods in org.sat4j.specs that return IVec | |
IVec<T> |
IVec.push(T elem)
Methods in org.sat4j.specs with parameters of type IVec | |
void |
ISolver.addAllClauses(IVec<IVecInt> clauses)
Create clauses from a set of set of literals. |
void |
IVec.copyTo(IVec<T> copy)
Ces operations devraient se faire en temps constant. |
void |
IVec.moveTo(IVec<T> dest)
Move the content of the vector into dest. |
Uses of IVec in org.sat4j.tools |
Methods in org.sat4j.tools with parameters of type IVec | |
void |
SolverDecorator.addAllClauses(IVec<IVecInt> clauses)
void |
DimacsStringSolver.addAllClauses(IVec<IVecInt> clauses)
void |
DimacsOutputSolver.addAllClauses(IVec<IVecInt> clauses)