Package org.sat4j.core

Implementation of the data structures available in org.sat4j.specs.


Class Summary
ASolverFactory<T extends ISolver> A solver factory is responsible for providing prebuilt solvers to the end user.
ConstrGroup A utility class used to manage easily group of clauses to be deleted at some point in the solver.
DefaultComparator<A extends Comparable<A>> A simple comparator for comparable objects.
LiteralsUtils Utility methods to avoid using bit manipulation inside code.
ReadOnlyVec<T> Utility class to allow Read Only access to an IVec.
ReadOnlyVecInt Utility class to allow Read Only access only to an IVecInt.
Vec<T> Simple but efficient vector implementation, based on the vector implementation available in MiniSAT.
VecInt A vector specific for primitive integers, widely used in the solver.

Package org.sat4j.core Description

Implementation of the data structures available in org.sat4j.specs. Those classe were previously located in org.sat4j.minisat.core.

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