Uses of Class

Packages that use EncodingStrategyAdapter Tools to be used on top of an ISolver.   

Uses of EncodingStrategyAdapter in

Constructors in with parameters of type EncodingStrategyAdapter
ClausalCardinalitiesDecorator(T solver, EncodingStrategyAdapter encodingAd)

Uses of EncodingStrategyAdapter in

Subclasses of EncodingStrategyAdapter in
 class Binary
          For the case "at most one", we can use the binary encoding (also called birwise encoding) first described in A.
 class Binomial
          For the "at most one" case, this encoding is equivalent to the one referred to in the literature as the pair-wise or naive encoding.
 class Commander
          The case "at most one" is introduced in W.
 class Ladder
          For the cases "at most one" and "exactly one", we can use the ladder encoding described in: I.
 class Policy
          This class allows the use of different encodings for different cardinality constraints.
 class Product
          The encoding for "at most one" constraints was introduced by J.
 class Sequential
          For the cases "at most k", we can use the sequential encoding described in: C.

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