Uses of Class

Packages that use ExitCode
org.sat4j Contains a command line launcher for the SAT solvers. 

Uses of ExitCode in org.sat4j

Fields in org.sat4j declared as ExitCode
protected  ExitCode AbstractLauncher.exitCode
static ExitCode ExitCode.OPTIMUM_FOUND
static ExitCode ExitCode.SATISFIABLE
static ExitCode ExitCode.UNKNOWN
static ExitCode ExitCode.UNSATISFIABLE
static ExitCode ExitCode.UPPER_BOUND

Methods in org.sat4j that return ExitCode
 ExitCode AbstractLauncher.getExitCode()
          Get the value of the ExitCode

Methods in org.sat4j with parameters of type ExitCode
 void AbstractLauncher.setExitCode(ExitCode exitCode)
          Change the value of the exit code in the Launcher

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