Uses of Interface

Packages that use IConstr
org.sat4j.core Implementation of the data structures available in org.sat4j.specs. 
org.sat4j.minisat.constraints.card Implementations of cardinality constraints. 
org.sat4j.minisat.constraints.cnf Implementations of clausal constraints. 
org.sat4j.minisat.core Implementation of the MiniSAT solver skeleton. 
org.sat4j.opt Built-in optimization framework. 
org.sat4j.specs Those classes are intended for users dealing with SAT solvers as black boxes. Tools to be used on top of an ISolver Implementation of different encodings. Implementation of an explanation engine in case of unsatisfiability. 

Uses of IConstr in org.sat4j.core

Classes in org.sat4j.core that implement IConstr
 class ConstrGroup
          A utility class used to manage easily group of clauses to be deleted at some point in the solver.

Methods in org.sat4j.core that return IConstr
 IConstr ConstrGroup.getConstr(int i)

Methods in org.sat4j.core with parameters of type IConstr
 void ConstrGroup.add(IConstr constr)

Uses of IConstr in org.sat4j.minisat.constraints.card

Classes in org.sat4j.minisat.constraints.card that implement IConstr
 class AtLeast
 class MaxWatchCard
 class MinWatchCard

Uses of IConstr in org.sat4j.minisat.constraints.cnf

Classes in org.sat4j.minisat.constraints.cnf that implement IConstr
 class BinaryClause
          Data structure for binary clause.
 class HTClause
          Lazy data structure for clause using the Head Tail data structure from SATO, The original scheme is improved by avoiding moving pointers to literals but moving the literals themselves.
 class LearntBinaryClause
 class LearntHTClause
 class LearntWLClause
 class OriginalBinaryClause
 class OriginalHTClause
 class OriginalWLClause
 class UnitClause
 class UnitClauses
 class WLClause
          Lazy data structure for clause using Watched Literals.

Uses of IConstr in org.sat4j.minisat.core

Subinterfaces of IConstr in org.sat4j.minisat.core
 interface Constr
          Basic constraint abstraction used in Solver.

Methods in org.sat4j.minisat.core that return IConstr
 IConstr Solver.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr Solver.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr Solver.addBlockingClause(IVecInt literals)
 IConstr Solver.addClause(IVecInt literals)
protected  IConstr Solver.addConstr(Constr constr)
 IConstr Solver.addExactly(IVecInt literals, int n)
 IConstr Solver.getIthConstr(int i)
          returns the ith constraint in the solver.

Methods in org.sat4j.minisat.core with parameters of type IConstr
 boolean Solver.removeConstr(IConstr co)
 boolean Solver.removeSubsumedConstr(IConstr co)

Uses of IConstr in org.sat4j.opt

Methods in org.sat4j.opt that return IConstr
 IConstr MaxSatDecorator.addClause(IVecInt literals)

Uses of IConstr in org.sat4j.specs

Methods in org.sat4j.specs that return IConstr
 IConstr ISolver.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, int degree)
          Create a cardinality constraint of the type "at least n of those literals must be satisfied"
 IConstr ISolver.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, int degree)
          Create a cardinality constraint of the type "at most n of those literals must be satisfied"
 IConstr ISolver.addBlockingClause(IVecInt literals)
          Add a clause in order to prevent an assignment to occur.
 IConstr ISolver.addClause(IVecInt literals)
          Create a clause from a set of literals The literals are represented by non null integers such that opposite literals a represented by opposite values.
 IConstr ISolver.addExactly(IVecInt literals, int n)
          Create a cardinality constraint of the type "exactly n of those literals must be satisfied".

Methods in org.sat4j.specs that return types with arguments of type IConstr
 IVec<? extends IConstr> ISolverService.getLearnedConstraints()
          Read-Only access to the list of constraints learned and not deleted so far in the solver.

Methods in org.sat4j.specs with parameters of type IConstr
 void SearchListener.conflictFound(IConstr confl, int dlevel, int trailLevel)
          a conflict has been found.
 void SearchListener.learn(IConstr c)
          learning a new clause
 void SearchListener.propagating(int p, IConstr reason)
          Unit propagation
 boolean ISolver.removeConstr(IConstr c)
          Remove a constraint returned by one of the add method from the solver.
 boolean ISolver.removeSubsumedConstr(IConstr c)
          Remove a constraint returned by one of the add method from the solver that is subsumed by a constraint already in the solver or to be added to the solver.

Uses of IConstr in

Methods in that return IConstr
 IConstr SolverDecorator.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr ManyCore.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr DimacsStringSolver.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr DimacsOutputSolver.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr ClausalCardinalitiesDecorator.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, int k)
 IConstr SolverDecorator.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr ManyCore.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr DimacsStringSolver.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr DimacsOutputSolver.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr ClausalCardinalitiesDecorator.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, int k)
 IConstr SolverDecorator.addBlockingClause(IVecInt literals)
 IConstr ManyCore.addBlockingClause(IVecInt literals)
 IConstr AbstractOutputSolver.addBlockingClause(IVecInt literals)
 IConstr SolverDecorator.addClause(IVecInt literals)
 IConstr ManyCore.addClause(IVecInt literals)
 IConstr DimacsStringSolver.addClause(IVecInt literals)
 IConstr DimacsOutputSolver.addClause(IVecInt literals)
 IConstr SolverDecorator.addExactly(IVecInt literals, int n)
 IConstr ManyCore.addExactly(IVecInt literals, int n)
 IConstr DimacsStringSolver.addExactly(IVecInt literals, int n)
 IConstr DimacsOutputSolver.addExactly(IVecInt literals, int n)
 IConstr ClausalCardinalitiesDecorator.addExactly(IVecInt literals, int k)
 IConstr[] GateTranslator.and(int y, int x1, int x2)
          Translate y <=> x1 /\ x2
 IConstr[] GateTranslator.and(int y, IVecInt literals)
          Translate y <=> x1 /\ x2 /\ ... /\ xn into clauses.
protected  IConstr LexicoDecorator.discardSolutionsForOptimizing()
 IConstr GateTranslator.gateFalse(int y)
          translate y <=> FALSE into a clause.
 IConstr GateTranslator.gateTrue(int y)
          translate y <=> TRUE into a clause.
 IConstr[] GateTranslator.halfOr(int y, IVecInt literals)
          translate y <= x1 \/ x2 \/ ... \/ xn into clauses.
 IConstr[] GateTranslator.iff(int y, IVecInt literals)
          translate y <=> (x1 <=> x2 <=> ... <=> xn) into clauses.
 IConstr[] GateTranslator.ite(int y, int x1, int x2, int x3)
          translate y <=> if x1 then x2 else x3 into clauses.
 IConstr[] GateTranslator.not(int y, int x)
          Translate y <=> not x into clauses.
 IConstr[] GateTranslator.or(int y, IVecInt literals)
          translate y <=> x1 \/ x2 \/ ... \/ xn into clauses.
 IConstr[] GateTranslator.xor(int y, IVecInt literals)
          translate y <=> x1 xor x2 xor ... xor xn into clauses.

Methods in with parameters of type IConstr
 void TextOutputTracing.conflictFound(IConstr confl, int dlevel, int trailLevel)
 void SearchListenerAdapter.conflictFound(IConstr confl, int dlevel, int trailLevel)
 void MultiTracing.conflictFound(IConstr confl, int dlevel, int trailLevel)
 void LearnedClauseSizeTracing.conflictFound(IConstr confl, int dlevel, int trailLevel)
 void LBDTracing.conflictFound(IConstr confl, int dlevel, int trailLevel)
 void DotSearchTracing.conflictFound(IConstr confl, int dlevel, int trailLevel)
 void DecisionLevelTracing.conflictFound(IConstr confl, int dlevel, int trailLevel)
 void ConflictLevelTracing.conflictFound(IConstr confl, int dlevel, int trailLevel)
 void ConflictDepthTracing.conflictFound(IConstr confl, int dlevel, int trailLevel)
 void TextOutputTracing.learn(IConstr clause)
 void SearchListenerAdapter.learn(IConstr c)
 void MultiTracing.learn(IConstr c)
 void LearnedClausesSizeTracing.learn(IConstr c)
 void DotSearchTracing.learn(IConstr clause)
 void TextOutputTracing.propagating(int p, IConstr reason)
 void SpeedTracing.propagating(int p, IConstr reason)
 void SearchListenerAdapter.propagating(int p, IConstr reason)
 void MultiTracing.propagating(int p, IConstr reason)
 void DotSearchTracing.propagating(int p, IConstr reason)
 boolean SolverDecorator.removeConstr(IConstr c)
 boolean ManyCore.removeConstr(IConstr c)
 boolean AbstractOutputSolver.removeConstr(IConstr c)
 boolean SolverDecorator.removeSubsumedConstr(IConstr c)
 boolean ManyCore.removeSubsumedConstr(IConstr c)
 boolean AbstractOutputSolver.removeSubsumedConstr(IConstr c)

Uses of IConstr in

Methods in that return IConstr
 IConstr Product.addAtLeast(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int k)
 IConstr Policy.addAtLeast(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int n)
 IConstr EncodingStrategyAdapter.addAtLeast(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr Commander.addAtLeast(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int k)
 IConstr Binomial.addAtLeast(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr Binary.addAtLeast(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int k)
 IConstr EncodingStrategyAdapter.addAtLeastOne(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals)
 IConstr Binomial.addAtLeastOne(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals)
 IConstr Sequential.addAtMost(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int k)
          This encoding adds (n-1)*k variables (n is the number of variables in the at most constraint and k is the degree of the constraint) and 2nk+n-3k-1 clauses.
 IConstr Product.addAtMost(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int k)
 IConstr Policy.addAtMost(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int k)
 IConstr EncodingStrategyAdapter.addAtMost(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr Commander.addAtMost(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr Binomial.addAtMost(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr Binary.addAtMost(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int k)
 IConstr Product.addAtMostNonOpt(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int k)
 IConstr Product.addAtMostOne(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals)
 IConstr Ladder.addAtMostOne(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals)
 IConstr EncodingStrategyAdapter.addAtMostOne(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals)
 IConstr Commander.addAtMostOne(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals)
          In this encoding, variables are partitioned in groups.
 IConstr Binomial.addAtMostOne(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals)
 IConstr Binary.addAtMostOne(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals)
          p being the smaller integer greater than log_2(n), this encoding adds p variables and n*p clauses.
 IConstr Product.addExactly(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr Policy.addExactly(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int n)
 IConstr EncodingStrategyAdapter.addExactly(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr Commander.addExactly(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr Binomial.addExactly(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr Binary.addExactly(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr Product.addExactlyOne(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals)
 IConstr Ladder.addExactlyOne(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals)
 IConstr EncodingStrategyAdapter.addExactlyOne(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals)
 IConstr Commander.addExactlyOne(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals)
 IConstr Binomial.addExactlyOne(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals)
 IConstr Binary.addExactlyOne(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals)

Uses of IConstr in

Fields in with type parameters of type IConstr
protected  Map<Integer,IConstr> Xplain.constrs

Methods in that return IConstr
 IConstr Xplain.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr HighLevelXplain.addAtLeast(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr Xplain.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr HighLevelXplain.addAtMost(IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr Xplain.addClause(IVecInt literals)
 IConstr HighLevelXplain.addClause(IVecInt literals, int desc)
 IConstr Xplain.addExactly(IVecInt literals, int n)

Methods in that return types with arguments of type IConstr
 Collection<IConstr> Xplain.explain()
 Collection<IConstr> Xplain.getConstraints()

Methods in with parameters of type IConstr
 boolean Xplain.removeConstr(IConstr c)
 boolean Xplain.removeSubsumedConstr(IConstr c)

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