Uses of Interface

Packages that use IVec
org.sat4j.core Implementation of the data structures available in org.sat4j.specs. 
org.sat4j.minisat.constraints Implementations of various constraints for MiniSAT. 
org.sat4j.minisat.constraints.cnf Implementations of clausal constraints. 
org.sat4j.minisat.core Implementation of the MiniSAT solver skeleton. 
org.sat4j.specs Those classes are intended for users dealing with SAT solvers as black boxes. Tools to be used on top of an ISolver

Uses of IVec in org.sat4j.core

Classes in org.sat4j.core that implement IVec
 class ReadOnlyVec<T>
          Utility class to allow Read Only access to an IVec.
 class Vec<T>
          Simple but efficient vector implementation, based on the vector implementation available in MiniSAT.

Methods in org.sat4j.core that return IVec
 IVec<T> Vec.push(T elem)
 IVec<T> ReadOnlyVec.push(T elem)

Methods in org.sat4j.core with parameters of type IVec
 void Vec.copyTo(IVec<T> copy)
          Ces operations devraient se faire en temps constant.
 void ReadOnlyVec.copyTo(IVec<T> copy)
 void Vec.moveTo(IVec<T> dest)
 void ReadOnlyVec.moveTo(IVec<T> dest)

Constructors in org.sat4j.core with parameters of type IVec
ReadOnlyVec(IVec<T> vec)

Uses of IVec in org.sat4j.minisat.constraints

Methods in org.sat4j.minisat.constraints that return IVec
 IVec<Propagatable> AbstractDataStructureFactory.getWatchesFor(int p)

Uses of IVec in org.sat4j.minisat.constraints.cnf

Methods in org.sat4j.minisat.constraints.cnf that return IVec
 IVec<Undoable> Lits.undos(int lit)
 IVec<Propagatable> lit)

Uses of IVec in org.sat4j.minisat.core

Fields in org.sat4j.minisat.core declared as IVec
protected  IVec<Constr> Solver.constrs
          Set of original constraints.
protected  IVec<Constr> Solver.learnts
          Set of learned constraints.

Methods in org.sat4j.minisat.core that return IVec
 IVec<Constr> Solver.getLearnedConstraints()
 IVec<Propagatable> DataStructureFactory.getWatchesFor(int p)
 IVec<Undoable> ILits.undos(int lit)
          Retrieve the methods to call when the solver backtracks.
 IVec<Propagatable> lit)

Methods in org.sat4j.minisat.core with parameters of type IVec
 void Solver.addAllClauses(IVec<IVecInt> clauses)
 void LearnedConstraintsDeletionStrategy.reduce(IVec<Constr> learnedConstrs)
          Hook method called when the solver wants to reduce the set of learned clauses.

Uses of IVec in org.sat4j.specs

Methods in org.sat4j.specs that return IVec
 IVec<? extends IConstr> ISolverService.getLearnedConstraints()
          Read-Only access to the list of constraints learned and not deleted so far in the solver.
 IVec<T> IVec.push(T elem)

Methods in org.sat4j.specs with parameters of type IVec
 void ISolver.addAllClauses(IVec<IVecInt> clauses)
          Create clauses from a set of set of literals.
 void IVec.copyTo(IVec<T> copy)
          Ces operations devraient se faire en temps constant.
 void IVec.moveTo(IVec<T> dest)
          Move the content of the vector into dest.

Uses of IVec in

Methods in with parameters of type IVec
 void SolverDecorator.addAllClauses(IVec<IVecInt> clauses)
 void ManyCore.addAllClauses(IVec<IVecInt> clauses)
 void AbstractOutputSolver.addAllClauses(IVec<IVecInt> clauses)
 void GateTranslator.optimisationFunction(IVecInt literals, IVec<BigInteger> coefs, IVecInt result)
          Translate an optimization function into constraints and provides the binary literals in results.

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