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1   package org.sat4j.sat;
3   import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
4   import java.lang.reflect.Method;
5   import java.util.Arrays;
6   import java.util.HashMap;
7   import java.util.Map;
8   import java.util.Properties;
9   import java.util.Set;
10  import java.util.StringTokenizer;
11  import java.util.Vector;
13  import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils;
14  import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine;
15  import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter;
16  import org.apache.commons.cli.Option;
17  import org.apache.commons.cli.Options;
18  import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException;
19  import org.apache.commons.cli.PosixParser;
20  import org.sat4j.core.ASolverFactory;
21  import org.sat4j.minisat.core.DataStructureFactory;
22  import org.sat4j.minisat.core.ICDCL;
23  import org.sat4j.minisat.core.ICDCLLogger;
24  import org.sat4j.minisat.core.IOrder;
25  import org.sat4j.minisat.core.IPhaseSelectionStrategy;
26  import org.sat4j.minisat.core.LearnedConstraintsEvaluationType;
27  import org.sat4j.minisat.core.LearningStrategy;
28  import org.sat4j.minisat.core.RestartStrategy;
29  import org.sat4j.minisat.core.SearchParams;
30  import org.sat4j.minisat.core.SimplificationType;
31  import org.sat4j.minisat.core.Solver;
32  import org.sat4j.minisat.orders.RandomWalkDecorator;
33  import org.sat4j.minisat.orders.VarOrderHeap;
34  import org.sat4j.pb.orders.RandomWalkDecoratorObjective;
35  import org.sat4j.pb.orders.VarOrderHeapObjective;
36  import org.sat4j.specs.ISolver;
38  public class Solvers {
40      public final static String ORDERS = "ORDERS";
41      public final static String LEARNING = "LEARNING";
42      public final static String RESTARTS = "RESTARTS";
43      public final static String PHASE = "PHASE";
44      public final static String PARAMS = "PARAMS";
45      public final static String SIMP = "SIMP";
47      private final static String PACKAGE_ORDERS = "org.sat4j.minisat.orders";
48      private final static String PACKAGE_LEARNING = "org.sat4j.minisat.learning";
49      private final static String PACKAGE_RESTARTS = "org.sat4j.minisat.restarts";
50      private final static String PACKAGE_PHASE = "org.sat4j.minisat.orders";
51      private final static String PACKAGE_PARAMS = "org.sat4j.minisat.core";
53      private final static String RESTART_STRATEGY_NAME = "org.sat4j.minisat.core.RestartStrategy";
54      private final static String ORDER_NAME = "org.sat4j.minisat.core.IOrder";
55      private final static String LEARNING_NAME = "org.sat4j.minisat.core.LearningStrategy";
56      private final static String PHASE_NAME = "org.sat4j.minisat.core.IPhaseSelectionStrategy";
57      private final static String PARAMS_NAME = "org.sat4j.minisat.core.SearchParams";
59      private final static Map<String, String> qualif = new HashMap<String, String>();
60      static {
61          qualif.put(ORDERS, PACKAGE_ORDERS);
62          qualif.put(LEARNING, PACKAGE_LEARNING);
63          qualif.put(RESTARTS, PACKAGE_RESTARTS);
64          qualif.put(PHASE, PACKAGE_PHASE);
65          qualif.put(PARAMS, PACKAGE_PARAMS);
66      }
68      private Solvers() {
69      }
71      protected final static ICDCL configureFromString(String solverconfig,
72              ICDCL theSolver, ICDCLLogger logger) {
73          // AFAIK, there is no easy way to solve parameterized problems
74          // when building the solver at runtime.
75          StringTokenizer stk = new StringTokenizer(solverconfig, ",");
76          Properties pf = new Properties();
77          String token;
78          String[] couple;
79          while (stk.hasMoreElements()) {
80              token = stk.nextToken();
81              couple = token.split("=");
82              pf.setProperty(couple[0], couple[1]);
83          }
85          Solver aSolver = (Solver) theSolver;
86          DataStructureFactory dsf = setupObject("DSF", pf, logger);
87          if (dsf != null) {
88              theSolver.setDataStructureFactory(dsf);
89          }
90          LearningStrategy learning = setupObject(LEARNING, pf, logger);
91          if (learning != null) {
92              theSolver.setLearner(learning);
93              learning.setSolver(aSolver);
94          }
95          IOrder order = setupObject(ORDERS, pf, logger);
96          if (order != null) {
97              theSolver.setOrder(order);
98          }
99          IPhaseSelectionStrategy pss = setupObject(PHASE, pf, logger);
100         if (pss != null) {
101             theSolver.getOrder().setPhaseSelectionStrategy(pss);
102         }
103         RestartStrategy restarter = setupObject(RESTARTS, pf, logger);
104         if (restarter != null) {
105             theSolver.setRestartStrategy(restarter);
106         }
107         String simp = pf.getProperty(SIMP);
108         if (simp != null) {
109             logger.log("read " + simp);
110             logger.log("configuring " + SIMP);
111             theSolver.setSimplifier(SimplificationType.valueOf(simp));
112         }
113         SearchParams params = setupObject(PARAMS, pf, logger);
114         if (params != null) {
115             theSolver.setSearchParams(params);
116         }
117         String memory = pf.getProperty("CLEANING");
118         if (memory != null) {
119             try {
120                 logger.log("configuring CLEANING");
121                 LearnedConstraintsEvaluationType memoryType = LearnedConstraintsEvaluationType
122                         .valueOf(memory);
123                 theSolver.setLearnedConstraintsDeletionStrategy(memoryType);
124             } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
125                 logger.log("wrong memory management setting: " + memory);
126                 showAvailableConstraintsCleaningStrategies(logger);
127             }
128         }
129         return theSolver;
130     }
132     private final static <T> T setupObject(String component, Properties pf,
133             ICDCLLogger logger) {
134         try {
135             String configline = pf.getProperty(component);
136             String qualification = qualif.get(component);
138             if (configline == null) {
139                 return null;
140             }
141             if (qualification != null) {
142                 logger.log("read " + qualification + "." + configline);
143                 if (configline.contains("Objective")
144                         && qualification.contains("minisat")) {
145                     // log(qualification);
146                     qualification = qualification.replaceFirst("minisat", "pb");
147                 }
148                 configline = qualification + "." + configline;
149             }
151             logger.log("configuring " + component);
152             String[] config = configline.split("/");
153             T comp = (T) Class.forName(config[0]).newInstance();
154             for (int i = 1; i < config.length; i++) {
155                 String[] param = config[i].split(":"); //$NON-NLS-1$
156                 assert param.length == 2;
157                 try {
158                     // Check first that the property really exists
159                     BeanUtils.getProperty(comp, param[0]);
160                     BeanUtils.setProperty(comp, param[0], param[1]);
161                 } catch (Exception e) {
162                     logger.log("Problem with component " + config[0] + " " + e);
163                 }
164             }
165             return comp;
166         } catch (InstantiationException e) {
167             logger.log("Problem with component " + component + " " + e);
168         } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
169             logger.log("Problem with component " + component + " " + e);
170         } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
171             logger.log("Problem with component " + component + " " + e);
172         }
173         return null;
174     }
176     private static Options createCLIOptions() {
177         Options options = new Options();
178         options.addOption("l", "library", true,
179                 "specifies the name of the library used (minisat by default)");
180         options.addOption("s", "solver", true,
181                 "specifies the name of a prebuilt solver from the library");
182         options.addOption("S", "Solver", true,
183                 "setup a solver using a solver config string");
184         options.addOption("t", "timeout", true,
185                 "specifies the timeout (in seconds)");
186         options.addOption("T", "timeoutms", true,
187                 "specifies the timeout (in milliseconds)");
188         options.addOption("C", "conflictbased", false,
189                 "conflict based timeout (for deterministic behavior)");
190         options.addOption("d", "dot", true,
191                 "creates a file in current directory representing the search");
192         options.addOption("f", "filename", true,
193                 "specifies the file to use (in conjunction with -d for instance)");
194         options.addOption("m", "mute", false, "Set launcher in silent mode");
195         options.addOption("k", "kleast", true,
196                 "limit the search to models having at least k variables set to false");
197         options.addOption("r", "trace", false,
198                 "traces the behavior of the solver");
199         options.addOption("opt", "optimize", false,
200                 "uses solver in optimize mode instead of sat mode (default)");
201         options.addOption("rw", "randomWalk", true,
202                 "specifies the random walk probability ");
203         options.addOption("remote", "remoteControl", false,
204                 "launches remote control");
205         options.addOption("H", "hot", false,
206                 "keep the solver hot (do not reset heuristics) when a model is found");
207         options.addOption("y", "simplify", false,
208                 "simplify the set of clauses is possible");
209         Option op = options.getOption("l");
210         op.setArgName("libname");
211         op = options.getOption("s");
212         op.setArgName("solvername");
213         op = options.getOption("S");
214         op.setArgName("solverStringDefinition");
215         op = options.getOption("t");
216         op.setArgName("number");
217         op = options.getOption("T");
218         op.setArgName("number");
219         op = options.getOption("C");
220         op.setArgName("number");
221         op = options.getOption("k");
222         op.setArgName("number");
223         op = options.getOption("d");
224         op.setArgName("filename");
225         op = options.getOption("f");
226         op.setArgName("filename");
227         op = options.getOption("r");
228         op.setArgName("searchlistener");
229         op = options.getOption("rw");
230         op.setArgName("number");
231         return options;
232     }
234     // private static Map<String, String> createMapOptions(String args[]) {
235     // Map<String, String> options = new HashMap<String, String>();
236     //
237     // int i = 0;
238     // while (i < args.length) {
239     // if (args[i].equals("l") || args[i].equals("library")) {
240     // options.put("l", args[i + 1]);
241     // } else if (args[i].equals("s") || args[i].equals("solver")) {
242     // options.put("s", args[i + 1]);
243     // } else if (args[i].equals("S") || args[i].equals("Solver")) {
244     // options.put("S", args[i + 1]);
245     // } else if (args[i].equals("t") || args[i].equals("timeout")) {
246     // options.put("t", args[i + 1]);
247     // } else if (args[i].equals("T") || args[i].equals("timeoutms")) {
248     // options.put("T", args[i + 1]);
249     // } else if (args[i].equals("C") || args[i].equals("conflictbased")) {
250     // options.put("C", "true");
251     // } else if (args[i].equals("d") || args[i].equals("dot")) {
252     // options.put("d", args[i + 1]);
253     // } else if (args[i].equals("f") || args[i].equals("filename")) {
254     // options.put("f", args[i + 1]);
255     // } else if (args[i].equals("m") || args[i].equals("mute")) {
256     // options.put("m", "true");
257     // } else if (args[i].equals("k") || args[i].equals("kleast")) {
258     // options.put("k", args[i + 1]);
259     // }
260     //
261     // options.addOption("r", "trace", false,
262     // "traces the behavior of the solver");
263     // options.addOption("opt", "optimize", false,
264     // "uses solver in optimize mode instead of sat mode (default)");
265     // options.addOption("rw", "randomWalk", true,
266     // "specifies the random walk probability ");
267     // options.addOption("remote", "remoteControl", false,
268     // "launches remote control");
269     // options.addOption("H", "hot", false,
270     // "keep the solver hot (do not reset heuristics) when a model is found");
271     // options.addOption("y", "simplify", false,
272     // "simplify the set of clauses is possible");
273     // }
274     //
275     // return options;
276     // }
278     public static void stringUsage(ICDCLLogger logger) {
279         logger.log("Available building blocks: DSF, LEARNING, ORDERS, PHASE, RESTARTS, SIMP, PARAMS, CLEANING");
280         logger.log("Example: -S RESTARTS=LubyRestarts/factor:512,LEARNING=MiniSATLearning");
281     }
283     public static ICDCL configureSolver(String[] args, ICDCLLogger logger) {
284         Options options = createCLIOptions();
285         if (args.length == 0) {
286             HelpFormatter helpf = new HelpFormatter();
287             helpf.printHelp("java -jar sat4j.jar", options, true);
289             // log("Available solvers: "
290             // + Arrays.asList(factory.solverNames()));
291             // showAvailableLearning();
292             // showAvailableOrders();
293             // showAvailablePhase();
294             // showAvailableRestarts();
295             return null;
296         }
297         try {
298             CommandLine cmd = new PosixParser().parse(options, args);
300             boolean isModeOptimization = false;
301             ASolverFactory<ISolver> factory;
303             if (cmd.hasOption("opt")) {
304                 isModeOptimization = true;
305             }
307             String framework = cmd.getOptionValue("l"); //$NON-NLS-1$
308             if (isModeOptimization) {
309                 framework = "pb";
310             } else if (framework == null) {
311                 framework = "minisat";
312             }
314             try {
315                 Class<?> clazz = Class
316                         .forName("org.sat4j." + framework + ".SolverFactory"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
317                 Class<?>[] params = {};
318                 Method m = clazz.getMethod("instance", params); //$NON-NLS-1$
319                 factory = (ASolverFactory) m.invoke(null, (Object[]) null);
320             } catch (Exception e) { // DLB Findbugs warning ok
321                 logger.log("Wrong framework: " + framework
322                         + ". Using minisat instead.");
323                 factory = org.sat4j.minisat.SolverFactory.instance();
324             }
326             ICDCL asolver;
327             if (cmd.hasOption("s")) {
328                 String solvername = cmd.getOptionValue("s");
329                 if (solvername == null) {
330                     logger.log("No solver for option s. Launching default solver.");
331                     logger.log("Available solvers: "
332                             + Arrays.asList(factory.solverNames()));
333                     asolver = (Solver) factory.defaultSolver();
334                 } else {
335                     asolver = (Solver) factory.createSolverByName(solvername);
336                 }
337             } else {
338                 asolver = (Solver) factory.defaultSolver();
339             }
341             if (cmd.hasOption("S")) {
342                 String configuredSolver = cmd.getOptionValue("S");
343                 if (configuredSolver == null) {
344                     stringUsage(logger);
345                     return null;
346                 }
347                 asolver = Solvers.configureFromString(configuredSolver,
348                         asolver, logger);
349             }
351             if (cmd.hasOption("rw")) {
352                 double proba = Double.parseDouble(cmd.getOptionValue("rw"));
353                 IOrder order = asolver.getOrder();
354                 if (isModeOptimization
355                         && order instanceof VarOrderHeapObjective) {
356                     order = new RandomWalkDecoratorObjective(
357                             (VarOrderHeapObjective) order, proba);
358                 } else {
359                     order = new RandomWalkDecorator((VarOrderHeap) order, proba);
360                 }
361                 asolver.setOrder(order);
362             }
364             String timeout = cmd.getOptionValue("t");
365             if (timeout == null) {
366                 timeout = cmd.getOptionValue("T");
367                 if (timeout != null) {
368                     asolver.setTimeoutMs(Long.parseLong(timeout));
369                 }
370             } else {
371                 if (cmd.hasOption("C")) {
372                     asolver.setTimeoutOnConflicts(Integer.parseInt(timeout));
373                 } else {
374                     asolver.setTimeout(Integer.parseInt(timeout));
375                 }
376             }
378             if (cmd.hasOption("H")) {
379                 asolver.setKeepSolverHot(true);
380             }
382             if (cmd.hasOption("y")) {
383                 asolver.setDBSimplificationAllowed(true);
384             }
386             return asolver;
387         } catch (ParseException e1) {
388             HelpFormatter helpf = new HelpFormatter();
389             helpf.printHelp("java -jar sat4j.jar", options, true);
390             usage(logger);
391         }
392         return null;
393     }
395     public static void showAvailableRestarts(ICDCLLogger logger) {
396         Vector<String> classNames = new Vector<String>();
397         Vector<String> resultRTSI = RTSI.find(RESTART_STRATEGY_NAME);
398         Set<String> keySet;
399         for (String name : resultRTSI) {
400             if (!name.contains("Remote")) {
401                 try {
402                     keySet = BeanUtils
403                             .describe(
404                                     Class.forName(
405                                             Solvers.PACKAGE_RESTARTS + "."
406                                                     + name).newInstance())
407                             .keySet();
408                     keySet.remove("class");
409                     if (keySet.size() > 0) {
410                         classNames.add(name + keySet);
411                     } else {
412                         classNames.add(name);
413                     }
414                 } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
415                     e.printStackTrace();
416                 } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
417                     e.printStackTrace();
418                 } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
419                     e.printStackTrace();
420                 } catch (InstantiationException e) {
421                     e.printStackTrace();
422                 } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
423                     e.printStackTrace();
424                 }
425             }
426         }
427         logger.log("Available restart strategies (" + Solvers.RESTARTS + "): "
428                 + classNames);
429     }
431     public static void showAvailablePhase(ICDCLLogger logger) {
432         Vector<String> classNames = new Vector<String>();
433         Vector<String> resultRTSI = RTSI.find(PHASE_NAME);
434         Set<String> keySet;
435         for (String name : resultRTSI) {
436             if (!name.contains("Remote")) {
437                 try {
439                     keySet = BeanUtils.describe(
440                             Class.forName(PACKAGE_PHASE + "." + name)
441                                     .newInstance()).keySet();
442                     keySet.remove("class");
443                     if (keySet.size() > 0) {
444                         classNames.add(name + keySet);
445                     } else {
446                         classNames.add(name);
447                     }
448                 } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
449                     e.printStackTrace();
450                 } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
451                     e.printStackTrace();
452                 } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
453                     e.printStackTrace();
454                 } catch (InstantiationException e) {
455                     e.printStackTrace();
456                 } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
457                     e.printStackTrace();
458                 }
459             }
460         }
461         logger.log("Available phase strategies (" + Solvers.PHASE + "): "
462                 + classNames);
463     }
465     public static void showAvailableLearning(ICDCLLogger logger) {
466         Vector<String> classNames = new Vector<String>();
467         Vector<String> resultRTSI = RTSI.find(LEARNING_NAME);
468         Set<String> keySet;
469         for (String name : resultRTSI) {
470             try {
471                 keySet = BeanUtils.describe(
472                         Class.forName(PACKAGE_LEARNING + "." + name)
473                                 .newInstance()).keySet();
474                 keySet.remove("class");
475                 if (keySet.size() > 0) {
476                     classNames.add(name + keySet);
477                 } else {
478                     classNames.add(name);
479                 }
480             } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
481                 e.printStackTrace();
482             } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
483                 e.printStackTrace();
484             } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
485                 e.printStackTrace();
486             } catch (InstantiationException e) {
487                 classNames.add(name);
488             } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
489                 e.printStackTrace();
490             } catch (NoClassDefFoundError cnfex) {
491                 // System.out.println("Warning : no classDefFoundError : " +
492                 // classname);
493             }
494         }
495         logger.log("Available learning (" + Solvers.LEARNING + "): "
496                 + classNames);
497     }
499     public static void showAvailableOrders(ICDCLLogger logger) {
500         Vector<String> classNames = new Vector<String>();
501         Vector<String> resultRTSI = RTSI.find(ORDER_NAME);
502         Set<String> keySet = null;
503         for (String name : resultRTSI) {
504             if (!name.contains("Remote")) {
505                 try {
506                     if (name.contains("Objective")) {
507                         String namePackage = Solvers.PACKAGE_ORDERS
508                                 .replaceFirst("minisat", "pb");
509                         keySet = BeanUtils.describe(
510                                 Class.forName(namePackage + "." + name)
511                                         .newInstance()).keySet();
512                     } else {
513                         keySet = BeanUtils.describe(
514                                 Class.forName(
515                                         Solvers.PACKAGE_ORDERS + "." + name)
516                                         .newInstance()).keySet();
517                     }
518                     keySet.remove("class");
520                     if (keySet.size() > 0) {
521                         classNames.add(name + keySet);
522                     } else {
523                         classNames.add(name);
524                     }
526                 } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
527                     e.printStackTrace();
528                 } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
529                     e.printStackTrace();
530                 } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
531                     e.printStackTrace();
532                 } catch (InstantiationException e) {
533                     // classNames.add(name);
534                 } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
535                     e.printStackTrace();
536                 }
537             }
538         }
539         logger.log("Available orders (" + Solvers.ORDERS + "): " + classNames);
540     }
542     public static void showParams(ICDCLLogger logger) {
544         Set<String> keySet = null;
545         try {
546             keySet = BeanUtils.describe(
547                     Class.forName(PARAMS_NAME).newInstance()).keySet();
548             keySet.remove("class");
549         } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
550             e.printStackTrace();
551         } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
552             e.printStackTrace();
553         } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
554             e.printStackTrace();
555         } catch (InstantiationException e) {
556             e.printStackTrace();
557         } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
558             e.printStackTrace();
559         }
560         logger.log("Available search params (" + Solvers.PARAMS
561                 + "): [SearchParams" + keySet + "]");
562     }
564     public static void showSimplifiers(ICDCLLogger logger) {
566     }
568     public static void showAvailableConstraintsCleaningStrategies(
569             ICDCLLogger logger) {
570         logger.log("Available learned constraints cleaning strategies"
571                 + Arrays.asList(LearnedConstraintsEvaluationType.values()));
572     }
574     public static <T extends ISolver> void showAvailableSolvers(
575             ASolverFactory<T> afactory, ICDCLLogger logger) {
576         // if (afactory != null) {
577         //			log("Available solvers: "); //$NON-NLS-1$
578         // String[] names = afactory.solverNames();
579         // for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
580         // log(names[i]);
581         // }
582         // }
583         showAvailableSolvers(afactory, "", logger);
584     }
586     public static <T extends ISolver> void showAvailableSolvers(
587             ASolverFactory<T> afactory, String framework, ICDCLLogger logger) {
588         if (afactory != null) {
589             if (framework.length() > 0) {
590                 logger.log("Available solvers for " + framework + ": "); //$NON-NLS-1$
591             } else {
592                 logger.log("Available solvers: "); //$NON-NLS-1$
593             }
594             String[] names = afactory.solverNames();
595             for (String name : names) {
596                 logger.log(name);
597             }
598         }
599     }
601     public static void usage(ICDCLLogger logger) {
602         ASolverFactory<ISolver> factory;
603         factory = org.sat4j.minisat.SolverFactory.instance();
604         // log("SAT");
605         showAvailableSolvers(factory, "sat", logger);
606         logger.log("-------------------");
607         factory = (ASolverFactory) org.sat4j.pb.SolverFactory.instance();
608         // log("PB");
609         showAvailableSolvers(factory, "pb", logger);
610         showAvailableRestarts(logger);
611         showAvailableOrders(logger);
612         showAvailableLearning(logger);
613         showAvailablePhase(logger);
614         showParams(logger);
615         showSimplifiers(logger);
616         stringUsage(logger);
617     }
619 }