Uses of Interface

Packages that use ISolver
org.sat4j Contains a command line launcher for the SAT solvers. 
org.sat4j.core Implementation of the data structures available in org.sat4j.specs. 
org.sat4j.minisat Implementation of the MiniSAT specification in Java. 
org.sat4j.minisat.core Implementation of the MiniSAT solver skeleton. 
org.sat4j.opt Built-in optimization framework. 
org.sat4j.reader Some utility classes to read problems from plain text files. Tools to be used on top of an ISolver. Implementation of an explanation engine in case of unsatisfiability. 

Uses of ISolver in org.sat4j

Classes in org.sat4j with type parameters of type ISolver
 class BasicLauncher<T extends ISolver>
          Very simple launcher, to be used during the SAT competition or the SAT race for instance.

Fields in org.sat4j declared as ISolver
protected  ISolver AbstractLauncher.solver

Methods in org.sat4j with type parameters of type ISolver
<T extends ISolver>
AbstractLauncher.showAvailableSolvers(ASolverFactory<T> afactory)

Methods in org.sat4j that return ISolver
protected abstract  ISolver AbstractLauncher.configureSolver(String[] args)
protected  ISolver BasicLauncher.configureSolver(String[] args)
protected  ISolver MUSLauncher.configureSolver(String[] args)
 ISolver LightFactory.defaultSolver()
 ISolver LightFactory.lightSolver()

Methods in org.sat4j with parameters of type ISolver
protected abstract  Reader AbstractLauncher.createReader(ISolver theSolver, String problemname)
protected  Reader BasicLauncher.createReader(ISolver theSolver, String problemname)
protected  Reader MUSLauncher.createReader(ISolver theSolver, String problemname)

Uses of ISolver in org.sat4j.core

Classes in org.sat4j.core with type parameters of type ISolver
 class ASolverFactory<T extends ISolver>
          A solver factory is responsible for providing prebuilt solvers to the end user.

Methods in org.sat4j.core with parameters of type ISolver
 void ConstrGroup.removeFrom(ISolver solver)

Uses of ISolver in org.sat4j.minisat

Methods in org.sat4j.minisat that return ISolver
 ISolver SolverFactory.defaultSolver()
 ISolver SolverFactory.lightSolver()
static ISolver SolverFactory.newDefault()
          Default solver of the SolverFactory.
static ISolver SolverFactory.newDimacsOutput()
static ISolver SolverFactory.newLight()
          Small footprint SAT solver.
static ISolver SolverFactory.newMinOneSolver()

Uses of ISolver in org.sat4j.minisat.core

Classes in org.sat4j.minisat.core that implement ISolver
 class Solver<D extends DataStructureFactory>
          The backbone of the library providing the modular implementation of a MiniSAT (Chaff) like solver.

Uses of ISolver in org.sat4j.opt

Classes in org.sat4j.opt that implement ISolver
 class AbstractSelectorVariablesDecorator
          Abstract class which adds a new "selector" variable for each clause entered in the solver.
 class MaxSatDecorator
          Computes a solution that satisfies the maximum of clauses.
 class MinOneDecorator
          Computes a solution with the smallest number of satisfied literals.

Constructors in org.sat4j.opt with parameters of type ISolver
AbstractSelectorVariablesDecorator(ISolver solver)
MaxSatDecorator(ISolver solver)
MinOneDecorator(ISolver solver)

Uses of ISolver in org.sat4j.reader

Fields in org.sat4j.reader declared as ISolver
protected  ISolver DimacsReader.solver

Methods in org.sat4j.reader that return ISolver
protected  ISolver DimacsReader.getSolver()

Constructors in org.sat4j.reader with parameters of type ISolver
DimacsReader(ISolver solver)
DimacsReader(ISolver solver, String format)
InstanceReader(ISolver solver)
LecteurDimacs(ISolver s)

Constructor parameters in org.sat4j.reader with type arguments of type ISolver
GroupedCNFReader(HighLevelXplain<ISolver> solver)

Uses of ISolver in

Classes in with type parameters of type ISolver
 class ClausalCardinalitiesDecorator<T extends ISolver>
          A decorator for clausal cardinalities constraints.
 class LexicoDecorator<T extends ISolver>
 class ManyCore<S extends ISolver>
 class SolverDecorator<T extends ISolver>
          The aim of that class is to allow adding dynamic responsibilities to SAT solvers using the Decorator design pattern.

Classes in that implement ISolver
 class AbstractOutputSolver
 class ClausalCardinalitiesDecorator<T extends ISolver>
          A decorator for clausal cardinalities constraints.
 class DimacsOutputSolver
          Solver used to display in a writer the CNF instance in Dimacs format.
 class DimacsStringSolver
          Solver used to write down a CNF into a String.
 class GateTranslator
          Utility class to easily feed a SAT solver using logical gates.
 class LexicoDecorator<T extends ISolver>
 class ManyCore<S extends ISolver>
 class Minimal4CardinalityModel
          Computes models with a minimal number (with respect to cardinality) of negative literals.
 class Minimal4InclusionModel
          Computes models with a minimal subset (with respect to set inclusion) of negative literals.
 class ModelIterator
          That class allows to iterate through all the models (implicants) of a formula.
 class OptToSatAdapter
 class SingleSolutionDetector
          This solver decorator allows to detect whether or not the set of constraints available in the solver has only one solution or not.
 class SolutionCounter
          Another solver decorator that counts the number of solutions.
 class SolverDecorator<T extends ISolver>
          The aim of that class is to allow adding dynamic responsibilities to SAT solvers using the Decorator design pattern.

Fields in declared as ISolver
protected  ISolver DimacsArrayReader.solver

Methods in that return ISolver
protected  ISolver DimacsArrayReader.getSolver()
 ISolver DimacsArrayReader.parseInstance(int[] gateType, int[] outputs, int[][] inputs, int maxVar)

Methods in with parameters of type ISolver
static IVecInt RemiUtils.backbone(ISolver s)
          Compute the set of literals common to all models of the formula.

Constructors in with parameters of type ISolver
DimacsArrayReader(ISolver solver)
ExtendedDimacsArrayReader(ISolver solver)
GateTranslator(ISolver solver)
ManyCore(S... solverObjects)
ManyCore(String[] names, S... solverObjects)
          Create a parallel solver from a list of solvers and a list of names.
Minimal4CardinalityModel(ISolver solver)
Minimal4InclusionModel(ISolver solver)
ModelIterator(ISolver solver)
ModelIterator(ISolver solver, long bound)
SingleSolutionDetector(ISolver solver)
SolutionCounter(ISolver solver)

Uses of ISolver in

Methods in with parameters of type ISolver
 IConstr EncodingStrategyAdapter.addAtLeast(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr EncodingStrategyAdapter.addAtLeastOne(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals)
 IConstr Sequential.addAtMost(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int k)
          This encoding adds (n-1)*k variables (n is the number of variables in the at most constraint and k is the degree of the constraint) and 2nk+n-3k-1 clauses.
 IConstr Policy.addAtMost(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int k)
 IConstr EncodingStrategyAdapter.addAtMost(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr Product.addAtMost(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int k)
 IConstr Commander.addAtMost(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr Binary.addAtMost(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr Binomial.addAtMost(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr Product.addAtMostNonOpt(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int k)
 IConstr Ladder.addAtMostOne(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals)
 IConstr EncodingStrategyAdapter.addAtMostOne(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals)
 IConstr Product.addAtMostOne(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals)
 IConstr Commander.addAtMostOne(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals)
          In this encoding, variables are partitioned in groups.
 IConstr Binary.addAtMostOne(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals)
          p being the smaller integer greater than log_2(n), this encoding adds p variables and n*p clauses.
 IConstr Binomial.addAtMostOne(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals)
 IConstr Policy.addExactly(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int n)
 IConstr EncodingStrategyAdapter.addExactly(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals, int degree)
 IConstr Ladder.addExactlyOne(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals)
 IConstr EncodingStrategyAdapter.addExactlyOne(ISolver solver, IVecInt literals)

Uses of ISolver in

Classes in with type parameters of type ISolver
 class HighLevelXplain<T extends ISolver>
          Computation of MUS in a structured CNF, i.e. the clauses belong to components, the explanation is to be extracted in terms of components.
 class Xplain<T extends ISolver>
          Explanation framework for SAT4J.

Classes in that implement ISolver
 class HighLevelXplain<T extends ISolver>
          Computation of MUS in a structured CNF, i.e. the clauses belong to components, the explanation is to be extracted in terms of components.
 class Xplain<T extends ISolver>
          Explanation framework for SAT4J.

Methods in with parameters of type ISolver
 IVecInt QuickXplainStrategy.explain(ISolver solver, Map<Integer,?> constrs, IVecInt assumps)
 IVecInt QuickXplain2001Strategy.explain(ISolver solver, Map<Integer,?> constrs, IVecInt assumps)
 IVecInt MinimizationStrategy.explain(ISolver solver, Map<Integer,?> constrs, IVecInt assumps)
 IVecInt DeletionStrategy.explain(ISolver solver, Map<Integer,?> constrs, IVecInt assumps)
 IVecInt InsertionStrategy.explain(ISolver solver, Map<Integer,?> constrs, IVecInt assumps)

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